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Additional Assessment Features
Justine Rosenblat avatar
Written by Justine Rosenblat
Updated over a week ago

Within each Assessment Page, you'll find multiple additional feature tabs designed to help you manage your assessment.

In this article, we'll explore these assessment features, providing you with clear insights on how to efficiently navigate and oversee them.

Welcome Page

Assessment's Welcome Page is the tailor-made page Candidate’s view upon opening up the assessment. The welcome page typically contains a company background, logo, and introduction message. You can edit the Welcome Page for all assessments via the Settings Page. However if you’d like to have a different Welcome Page for a specific assessment, that is easily customizable:

  • Click on “Welcome Page” on the left hand side of your Assessment Page.

  • Click on the purple pencil button to upload your company’s logo, background, edit the intro message, etc.

  • To add a company career or About-us video, scroll down to the Intro Video Section.

  • Click on the purple pencil button to upload the video and add a video title.

Brand Color

Assessment's Brand Color is the color scheme within the assessment visible to the candidate. You can edit the Brand Color for all assessments via the Settings Page. However if you’d like to have a different Brand Color for a specific assessment, that is easily customizable:

  • Click on “Brand Color” on the left hand side of your Assessment Page.

  • Select your desired color scheme.

  • Click Save once finished.


The Proctoring Tab allows you to customize the specific Assessment's Proctoring and Anti-Cheating settings. You can edit the Proctoring Settings for all assessments via the Settings Page. However, if you'd like to set specific Proctoring Settings for a specific assessment, that is easily customizable:

Note: click here to read our article outlining our suite of Proctoring and Anti-Cheating Features.

  • Click on “Proctoring” on the left hand side of your Assessment Page.

  • Toggle to turn on the relevant proctoring measures for your Assessment

To read more about our Anti-Cheating Features in online assessments, you can visit our website.


The Assessment Analytics Tab offers a more focused look into the analytics of a specific assessment, from big picture stats such as overall completion rates by country, to more detailed data like question-by-question responses from candidates, and more.

For information on reviewing your Account Analytics, click here.

To review your Assessment Analytics, click on Analytics on the left hand side of your Assessment Page.

Miscellaneous Options

Inviting Teammates

You can invite teammates to access your assessment.

  • Navigate to “Invite Teammates” in the top right hand corner of your Assessment Page.

  • Enter the email addresses of your teammates.

  • Set the teammates’ permissions and notifications.

    • For more information on the types of permissions, click here.

Renaming your Assessment/Position and Setting Times/Scores

  • You can rename an Assessment, change the position, and set times and scores in the top left hand corner of your Assessment Page. For more information about editing Sections and Questions, click here.

Previewing your Assessment

  • To preview your Assessment, click on the Preview button in the top right corner of the Assessment Page. For more information on previewing an assessment, click here.

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